
Testable Architecture

The following movies illustrate the Testable Architecture concept using the purchasing sample available on the downloads page.

Savara 2
Requirements to Deployed Services in 15 minutesThis demo shows how the concept of Testable Architecture, and the Savara tooling that supports this methodology, can be used to create, test and deploy a set of services within the Switchyard ESB in just 15 minutes.
Savara 1
Gathering Requirements This phase is used to capture examples of the information and interaction based use cases that define the business requirements.
Define Architecture This phase defines the interaction based architectural model, and verifies it against the business requiements.
Design Phase This phase creates the design artifacts. The current state of the tooling only allows BPMN diagrams to be generated, but not validated. As BPMN2 becomes adopted, it will be possible to provide the validation of the service designs against a choreography, as the design evolves.
Implementation Phase This phase generates implementation artifacts from a choreography. In this case, BPEL and WSDL artifacts are generated for the two main services, and compared against completed (executable) versions of the processes.
Design Time Process Governance This movie shows the validation of the artifacts involved in the Design Time lifecycle of a Testable Architecture Project. An error is introduced into the architectural model (choreography) to show its impact on the business requirements (that it is supposed to represent), and the implementation artifacts that were generated from it.
Runtime Process Governance This movie shows the validation of the deployed system at runtime. It is important to validate the system, not just during development, but also at runtime, because changes could inadvertantly be introduced (e.g. in a third party service) that impact the behaviour of the system.